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Messages - nomad bloodbath

Pages: 1 ... 156 157 [158] 159 160 ... 273
Tar or Powder?

Rumor mill / Re: Calistoner's Dutch MDMA - Reviews
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:09 pm »
Ok boss it's your review.
Oral , Sniff or IV?

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Calistoner's Dutch MDMA - Reviews
« on: September 08, 2011, 09:14 pm »
Package landed but now I have a dilemma.
See I haven't slept but 2 hours since Tuesday and those 2 hours were from 1-3pm on
Do I take the single 125mg capsule or wait til at the earliest which would be Sunday night?

nomad bloodbath

Product requests / Re: Amphetamine Powder in Europe?
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:47 pm »
I bought some a few weeks ago from,i forget the guys exact name but you'll recognise him,Juergen2001 thats him,perfect feedback,also does MDMA.It's very good stuff,paste,vacuum sealed,i was well happy with it but i don't know if he ships out of the EU.Just have a look in the stimulants section and you'll see him selling 1gram and 5grams.Highly recommended.
Unfortunately i've just had a quick look and it's not listed anymore  :-\ Here's hoping he gets it again soon cos it was top notch and he seems to be one of the best sellers on SR.

Streetpharmacy usually has great amphetamine sulfate,he appears to be out today,

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Slappy - anyone ordered from this seller?
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:26 pm »
It starts with one.....positive feedback that is.   Still waiting on yours  Larghetto.  Still waiting......

You waiting on Larghetto?
O man you got bigger balls than me.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Calling Missit out. "Selective Scamming"?
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:15 pm »
Dam USPS. Package was on its way and I would have had it today, but because USPS is so incompetent at what they do, they miss-routed my package and now have to probably wait until tomorrow. Stupid USPS. Whatever, I guess these things happen.
They do the same shit here, fly it in 75 minutes south of here take it to 40 minutes north of here and then it comes to me halfway in the middle.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: H vendors
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:12 pm »
How many bags do people usually buy at once? I mean, I wouldn't order just 1....people with real tolerances would need to order more than one. I'm just trying to figure out how fast it would go, the best way to send, if I should do a 2 bag min (that seems reasonable I think?)

Most dealers sell in bundles, half bundle min. Obviously I wouldn't want to do that, but I could make it a little cheaper if we weren't sending out one at a time. Packing well and postage eats up money, especially with something you'd have to pack really well...

Obviously the H biz on here is fucked up. James Brown came through it looks like, but other than that everyone else has had problems.

Also FYI- I have powder, not tar. MMMM powder, goes up your nose so good if you're not a shooter, and a real good buzz...kicks most pills (besides Opanas) ass....:)

My man by 1 bag is ridiculous, that's .5-1 shot....most ppl would buy at least 5 bags assuming bags are .10. To here the words powder come out when talking about H gives me a very good feeling.

So the question is are you listing a few to trustworthy members of the community tonight or maybe some other time? :P

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: themunchies=our saviour?
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:02 pm »
If you go to a Phish or a Furthur show right now - IF there is any L at all - its gonna run 10 a hit, 80 a 10 strip. Thats how things are working. There are no better deals. People that keep waiting for better ones lately get screwed and get a DOx of some sort. Out in SF this summer people got screwed over a bunch by getting a DOx instead of was scary. Fortunately I don't have to deal with shady people, its straight Family so there are no worries. I just hope more is coming...I have a good feeling it will come soon, but prices won't go down...the fact is, even at wholesale, when prices go up, we'd rather work with the sacrament than not. Thats what I'm here to do- enlighten people. If anyone thinks that's silly, or I'm full of shit, so be it. But no matter how much they raise the price on us I'll keep on showing people the light.

There are straight HEADS paying 400-450 a sheet- family - cause they know thats how things are working...its sad but true. Like I said, the EU market is cheaper, but the quality isn't the same. I wish it was....

The EU market is also full of shit on the ug levels per tabs.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Opening up shop at SR! MDMA/MDEA, GHB and MA
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:33 pm »
first post, woot. I'm trustworthy, nomadbloodbath can vouch for me... Here's my SR profile:


GHB and I don't mix... I'm just out of spending a month in hospital with psychosis from the stuff. I can sample the MDME/A or (preferably) the meth when it comes in...

Dude i haven't seen you or talked to you in 2months......where you been???
And I wouldn't call some one that's been in the hospital because of drug related psychosis "trustworthy". :P

Tokin's cool.

nomad bloodbath

Where was i? I was in a closed psych ward lol! Ironically, I didn't take any drugs while I was there, I came back to reality after about a day, so I'm sane (tm) since then. What's the story with the SILCroad chat, is that still going, I can't seem to connect.

Not trustworthy? Hey fuck you everybody has a right to think they're Jesus every once in a while!

lulzjesus!!! :P


Rumor mill / Re: Opening up shop at SR! MDMA/MDEA, GHB and MA
« on: September 08, 2011, 02:41 pm »
first post, woot. I'm trustworthy, nomadbloodbath can vouch for me... Here's my SR profile:


GHB and I don't mix... I'm just out of spending a month in hospital with psychosis from the stuff. I can sample the MDME/A or (preferably) the meth when it comes in...

Dude i haven't seen you or talked to you in 2months......where you been???
And I wouldn't call some one that's been in the hospital because of drug related psychosis "trustworthy". :P

Tokin's cool.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: H vendors
« on: September 08, 2011, 02:04 pm »
Nomad - thanks for the update. I can't wait!

Is there someway to consolidate the two James Brown threads into one? It seems like the H vendors thread has devolved into a JB thread.


I think the threads should stay apart because I talked to another vendor planning to vend H as well so no reason to consolidate these.

nomad bloodbath

Product offers / Re: Clonazepam, 4-FA, DPT & others. What's the demand?
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:29 pm »
Got half a gram of MXE about super stealth, I went thru my mail and gathered today's packages and just happen to walk past the mail again 2 hours later and was looking at bills from different places and BAM...I see one from that special place ....hehehe.
I'll be testing it tomorrow night since I had opiates like 30 minutes ago.


nomad bloodbath

Some of the clearest remember able MXE I've personally ever came across, was much better than all other MXE I've tried before it by 8x easy. My 18" computer monitor became a 4x4 square almost like an iphone and then just as quick became an ATM machine, then tunnel vision with peripheral surroundings changing every 10 seconds. I had a blast to say the least.
Heck 12 hours later I'm still seeing 3D hallucinations in dimmly lit rooms.
Satisfied customer!

nomad bloodbath

Product offers / Re: Bloodbath's Seeds
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:59 am »
Chocolate Diesel (Chocolate Trip x Sour Diesel) has been listed!

This is the legendary "Choco D", this is my most prized piece of work. These Pure Breed seeds are some of the rarest and the most acclaimed seeds in the secret back rooms where growers talk grow talk.

Chocolate Trip x Sour Diesel...I did the initial hybridization for the F1 seeds back in 2004 and grew them out for 4 generations worth of selection using the best phenotypes to combined to make a perfect IBL of Chocolate Trip X Sour Diesel aka "Chocolate Diesel", "Choco D IBL".

Variety/Cultivar name: Chocolate Diesel
Lineage if known: Chocolate Trip x Sour Diesel


1. Visual Appeal: 8.5
Rate the visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing-excellent.
comment: Looks delicious, nice and light nugs you can tell the buds want to be broken down from a mile away. Chunky nugs with a great calyx to leaf ratio.

2. Visible Trichomes: 8.5
Rate the visible trichome content from 1-10 none-totally covered.
comment: large trichome heads that cover every inch of the nugs, inside of them is as frost as the outside, never hit a bag so all the trichs are intact and not squished.

3. Use an X to indicate the colors that are present in the trichome
heads under magnification or list the percentages of each color for
a more precise report.

Soil Sample:
Clear: 5%
Cloudy: 90%
Amber: 5%
Dark: 0%

Coco Sample:
Clear: 40%
Cloudy: 55%
Amber: 5%
Dark: 0%

4. Mark with X the colors that are present in the buds or for a more
detailed color analysis rate presence on a scale 1-9 light-dark.
Green: 6
White: 4 (milky white trichomes)
Orange: 3 rusty-orange pistil color

5. Bud density: 5
Rate the bud density from 1-10 airy-dense. For samples that are
not in their natural state leave this field blank.
comment: Perfect texture, this the kinda bud I enjoy to break down. I can grab a gram in my fingers and break it down for a joint with two fingers in just a few seconds, personally do not like breaking up dense rock nugs when i need a bowl asap. This stuff has a good calyx to leaf ratio on the inside of the bud, all frost topped fluffy calyx's

6. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the aroma of freshly broken bud where a one indicates a
subtle presence and 9 indicates a pronounced presence.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [ ] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ]
Berry [ ] Floral [] Mango [ ] Pepper [ ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum/Fuel [6]
Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine-sol [ ]
Cedar [ ] Grapefruit[ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [4]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ]
Chocolate [ ] Hash [ ] Mold [ ] Skunk [ ]
Citrus [6] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [2]
Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry[ ]
Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

comment: Very unique smell, smells like an astringent cleaner with some fuel and citrus mixed in with it. A very spicy citrus smell that pairs really well with the diesel fuel smell of the bud, definatly gives it a smell of something sour and funky. There is a major component to this that I cant put my finger on, but it must be something to do with the citrus and diesel smells mixing together. smells heavenly, everyone loves this stuff. can stink up a crowded bar in a few seconds if ya crack the jar open.

7. Aroma: 9.5

Rate the aroma from 1-10 repulsive-delightful. Use freshly crumbled
bud for best results.
comment: Smells fantastic, sticks to you really well, the hash smoke from it is hard to get off ya clothes.

8. Seed content: 1
comment: no idea how/where this bean came from but outta 5-7oz and only one bean gets chalked up to freak cross pollination. grown this a few times and it throws a banana at the end like trainwreck but it doesnt have time to create a seed, let alone a completely ripe one.

Rate seed content from 0-10 none-fully seeded.


Address these questions while smoking.

1. Please use a clean instrument for the evaluation. Enter information
below that will identify the instrument as follows:

Water pipe (enter bong, hooka, bubbler etc): PHX bong
Vaporizer (enter the brand name):
Pipe (size-type, ie medium-glass):
Joint (enter brand of papers):
Other (specify):

2. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the taste where a one indicates a subtle presence and a
nine indicates a very pronounced presence.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [5] Licorice [ ]
Berry [ ] Floral [ ] Mango [ ] Pepper [ ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [3]
Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ ]
Cedar [ ] Grapefruit[ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [ ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ]
Chocolate [ ] Hash [3] Mold [ ] Skunk [ ]
Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [3]
Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry[ ]
Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

3. Taste: hydro-8; soil-9.5

Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious.

Comment: has a definate diesel flavor through the samples, the coco tastes like flaky apple pie crust, fruity and buttery/nutty. The soil on the other hand tastes like a blast of fennel, chocolate and mixed berries. oh yeah.

4. State of dryness: 5

Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal.

5. smoke ability: 9

Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth.

Coment: flushed for two weeks on the soil sample and one week on the coco. As long as you dont heavily feed it this strain works just as well without a flush as with a week long flush, but you wont get the white ash and your joints wont burn as clean imo.

6. Smoke expansion: 3

Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explodes.
comment: Easy to hold this one in as it burns smooth, has a strong lung expansion after the exhale though, I dont mind this that much as I dont feel like coughing the smoke out, so its still a pleasurful smoke regardless if it makes ya cough at the end. my ol' iron lungs have no problem overpowerin this stuff.

1. __[3 hits / .5g max]__ Dosage

Enter the number of hits taken to reach desired effects.

2. __[6]__ Effect onset

Rate how quickly the effect hit from 1-10 immediate-major creeper.

3. __[8]__ Sativa influence

Rate the sativa influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Sativa
influence is best described as a clear and energetic mental effect.

4. __[1]__ Indica influence

Rate the indica influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Indica
influence is best described as a sedative, lethargic or numbing
effect that affects the body.

5. __[8]__ Potency

Rate the potency of the sample from 0-10 none-devastating.

6. __[2]__ Duration

Indicate the number of hours the effects lasted.

7. __[3]__ Tolerance build up

Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid. Leave this
field blank if you have not used this sample repeatedly.

8. Usability

Rate on a scale of 1-9 where a one indicates the worst time of day
to consume this strain and a nine represents the ideal time of day.
Leave field(s) blank if you have not yet formed an opinion.

Morning - wake up [4]
Day - work [10]
Evening - relax
Night - sleep

9. __[8]__ Overall satisfaction

Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail.

10. __[10]__ Ability and conditions
comment: Grown this a few times, and had samples from a few different growers with different cuts than mine and it is just as fantastic, some flavors out there that I have yet to come across in this chocolate diesel.

11.Judging from the sample alone do you personally consider this
strain a keeper for long term use?

Yes [X]
No []

comment: its got all the attributes of holy grail, and excels in all categories, however, the stone could be more intense for me. I remember when I first smoked it a few years back it was more intense the first few bowls, but one gets used to it after some time.

12.Rate the noticable effects on a scale of 1-9 mild-severe. Take
care to use the appropriate column for your response. Delete the
existing space when recording your entry to maintain the columns
in alignment. In all cases these casual observations should not
be construed as medical advice.

Negative Positive
Effect Effect

__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Appetite
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Anxiety relief
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Paranoia relief
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Sex drive
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Sleep
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Pain relief
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Ability to rest or sit still
__[4]__ __[ ]__ Thought process
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Speech process
__[ ]__ __[4]__ Imagination/creativity
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Humor perception
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Visual perception
__[ ]__ __[8]__ Audio perception
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Taste perception

Your new lunch buddy. Good break time pot when you need a little picky me up. It will heat up the front of your face and leave your head in a clowdy haze for a few minutes. The haze clears way to a great clear energetic high, you wont have to be asked twice to do things while medicated with this herb. The high peaks for about 5 minutes, and has a wave that comes about 10-20 minutes later and keeps ya pretty lit up for the next few hours. It has the type of high that is clear and social, like the apollo 11 has been. I would compare this to apollo 11 as the pineapple diesel is the cindy 99.. much racier herb in the pineapple and cindy, and a definate mellow euphoria with the choco D and apollo 11. Fun to listen to music on this, easy to focus on it, but at the same time it might be hard to say the alphabet.

Smell and texture is where it is at! break it up and its fantastic aroma hits you in the nose, far stronger than when it was stinking your room up while in the bag. It reaks to high heaven, and i do mean heavenly smell. Has hints of pineapple or tropical citrus in it, and a very strong astringent smell that overpowers and stings ya nose.

Taste is like a faint nutty chocolate mouse with all kinds of berries. soaked in astringent diesel fuel funky goodness. As with most diesel crosses the astringent part sticks to the taste buds on the exhale and remains the mouth for a few mins. Very enjoyable smoke, the hydro grown is much more fuel flavored while the soil is more citrus berry with the faintest bit of chocolate to it.

The quicker you smoke the bowls, the higher you will get, and the longer the peak will last, if you slowly toke it you get a mild long lasting buzz that wont get in the way of work. Not much ceiling to it, and I have smoked it for a few months straight with no more tolerance to it than I would with other strains

2369 guys are too much!

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Opening up shop at SR! MDMA/MDEA, GHB and MA
« on: September 08, 2011, 09:27 am »
Can you get sealed Ketamine vials?

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